Child abuse, Neglect and Parental Alienation in the Slovak Republic
These are common and standard practices in the Slovak Republic during divorce and child custody cases. Slovak mothers are protected by corrupt institutions and individuals, who are mandated by law to safeguard the welfare and interest of a minor, and on the contrary, these institutions protect these Slovak mothers, regardless of whether they commit psychological abuse against children, separating them from the love of a father, maliciously using emotional blackmail, extortion and false criminal complaints, with the aim of obtaining money in exchange and revenge against a father. This is the story of a non-Slovakian father and his daughter, who have been victims for over 7 years of psychological violence, child abuse, child neglect and parental alienation by a vindictive and money-hungry slovak mother.
„Corruption is dishonest behavior by those in positions of power. Those who abuse their power may be individuals or they may belong to organizations, such as businesses or governments (such as government officials or police officers). Corruption can entail a variety of actions, including giving or accepting bribes or inappropriate gifts, double-dealing, and defrauding individuals.“
Video Evidence Filed in Courts Since 2015
The following videos are just part of critical evidence ignored by District Court Bratislava III, Regional Court Bratislava, UPSVaR Social Service, Psychologists Gabriel H. in 2016, and Psychologist Daniela C. in 2020.
Video documentary Part 3 (August 2017 - April 2018)
People who have provided support to the Mother, which facilitated her impunity in court, and paved her way to commit despicable acts of negligence, child abuse, parental alienation and false criminal accusations against the father.
The following individuals deliberately ignored the critical evidence available to them, offered and submitted by the father since 2015. By ignoring this information, they facilitated the action of the mother who increased her negligent and criminal behavior to date.

Psychologist Gabriel H.
This psychologist repeatedly lied in a report issued on 11-03-2016. He made biased and false statements in his report. He ignored critical evidence regarding the personality of the mother, in order to protect her. He falsely stated in his report that he had reviewed all the evidence presented by the father during a joint meeting with the mother in February 2016. This psychologist refused the evidence during this meeting, despite the father’s request. He submitted a false report, as an appointed expert psychologist by court, which is considered a criminal offense in Slovakia.

Psychologist Maria B.
This child psychologist worked together with psychologist Gabriel H. in his report. She failed negligently to listen the father about the health and psychological risks that the minor was exposed under the care of the mother. Later in 2016, she ignored the requests of the father to help him to protect the minor. The minor has suffered mother’s Negligence and psychological abuse since then.

MUDr. Maria J.
Since May 2017, and for a period of 17 months, this surgeon pediatrician brutally treated the minor, causing an irreversible mental block, with the complicity of the mother. When accused of medical negligence by the father before the Slovak health authorities, she lied blatantly. In January 2018 she refused to issue a report with the findings of the operation of the minor in August 2017, ignored father’s request to step aside as treating doctor of the minor, who was afraid of just seeing her. This surgeon pediatrician, together with the mother, are the main responsible for the serious medical problems the minor suffered from May 2017 to December 2019.

Child Psychologist Maria T.
This child psychologist issued reports with false information at the request of the mother, to be filed to Bratislava III Court. As an example, this psychologist report in October 2017, without any verification of her false statements, that the minor, after being with her father, constantly touched her genitals at mother’s apartment. These extremely serious false accusations stated by the mother, were reported to court as true facts by this child psychologist. This disgusting statements reported by this psychologist are from very serious nature, partucilarly coming from an expert in child psychology.

Psychologist Miroslava K.
This psychologist participated as a mediator on 2 occasions. In September 2016, days before the second mediation, she received from the father, information about the mother’s personality, but this mediator shamelessly distorted this evidence, ignored the information provided and only sought to protect the mother, ignoring the welfare of the minor, her safety and health. This psychologist violated the basic rules of a mediator and acted as if she were the mother’s defense attorney. Subsequently, she issued a false report to the court in which she blatantly lied about what really happened during the mediation.

Child Psychologist Zuzana T.
In June 2017, the father’s lawyer was informed that the minor was under treatment by this psychologist. Zuzana T. ignored the information provided by the father and decided to believe the mother’s lies. This psychologist partially answered the father’s questions, via email, after 3 months. In July 2018, the father personally met with the psychologist Zuzana T., showing her video evidence of the mother’s negligence against the minor. This psychologist agrees to help. However, after contacting the mother, she decides to impose a condition to help the minor, a condition for which she refuses to provide written information about the minor’s evolution. Clearly, her priority was to protect the mother. In January 2019, she decides to use a lawyer to avoid directly answering the father’s questions.

Child Therapist Silvia E.
This child therapist who works for the psychologist Zuzana T., issued a certificate assuring that the minor’s mother had attended 14 sessions of the play therapy course. This information was never provided to the father despite having requested it on repeated occasions. In reality, the mother did NOT attend 14 sessions of any course, which is why the mother denied the father the certificates that this child therapist „supposedly“ gave her, with the purpose of preventing the father from verifying the dates on which the mother „supposedly“ attended these sessions, and avoid the father to proved another negligence against the minor.

Psychologist Daniela C.
In March 2020, this psychologist issued, with a 4-month delay in the term ordered by the court, a report in which this psychologist made false statements of a criminal nature against the father. This expert is suspected of having committed 3 crimes in the report: a) false statement to court, b) perjury, c) defamation; By way of example, the expert falsely reports that the father had been imprisoned in his country of origin. The expert lied repeatedly in this report, and also, in another statement that she sent to the court on 02-07-2020. This psychologist ignored sensitive and critical information about the mother’s personality, the mother’s neglect, the mother’s criminal actions against the father and mother’s parental alienations since 2015, actions that she has continued systematically since then. The sole objective of this psychologist was to recommend custody of the child to the mother. The lack of ethics, principles and professionalism of this psychologist is appalling.

Kindergarten Owner, Dominika S.
Owner of Happy T. Kindergarten, who played a pivotal role in hiding information from the father during 2018 regarding the child’s health (specifically, the child’s defecation schedule). In September 2018, the father filed a legal action against the Kindergarten for a serious breach of the data protection law. In March 2019, a resolution was issued against the Kindergarten. The sole objective of this individual was to protect the mother, completely ignoring the health of the minor.

Kindergarten Director, L'ubica H.
Director of the Happy T. Kindergarten, who issued false reports regarding the minor, to be presented in court at the request of the mother. In these reports, this individual falsely stated that the minor was improving her health conditions, in relation to the serious constipation problems suffered by the minor, further endangering the health and well-being of the minor, with the sole objective of hide gross neglect of mother and kindergarten.

MUDr. Anna H. - Kramare Hospital
She was commisioned by Kramare medical director in 2018, to investigate the medical negligence committed by MUDr. Maria J. against the minor. This Pediatrician just focused in protecting MUDr. Maria J., by using strategies like delaying the investigation, ignoring solid evidence and even threatening the father in case he disclosed publicly the evidence which proved the serious negligences of MUDr. Maria J.

MUDr. Zuzana L.S. - Kramare Hospital
In August 2018, the father met Kramare medical director Ms. Zuzana L.S., to demand a solution to the negligence of MUDr. Maria J. This medical director completely ignored father’s requests, which was that MUDr. Maria J. no longer was the minor’s treating doctor, since the minor did not allow MUDr J. to even touch her during the checkups. Unfortunately, this medical director behaved impolite and even aggressively in order protect at all cost to MUDr. Maria J., and minor’s mother, ignoring shamelessly the evidence available and minor’s health condition.